Analogous to glBindBufferBase( getTarget() , index , getId() )
Binds to the associated target.
Binds to an arbitrary target target .
Unbinds from the associated target.
Analogous to glBufferData()
Analogous to glBufferSubData()
Returns some or all of the data from the buffer object currently bound for this objects target .
Calls bufferSubData when the size is adequate, otherwise calls bufferData, forcing a reallocation of the data store.
Reallocates the buffer if its size is smaller than minimumSize . This destroys the contents of the buffer if it must be reallocated.
Returns the debugging label associated with the Buffer .
Sets the debugging label associated with the Buffer . Calls glObjectLabel() when available.
Analogous to glBufferStorage .
Analogous to glNamedBufferStorage.
Returns the appropriate parameter to glGetIntegerv() for a specific target; ie GL_ARRAY_BUFFER -> GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING. Returns 0 on failure.