Concrete Voice for processing audio with a callback function.
See Also CallbackProcessorFn
Returns the Node that is the source of this Voice 's audio production. The Node type is determined by the Voice subclassed.
Starts the Voice . Does nothing if currently playing.
In the case of a VoiceSamplePlayerNode and the sample has reached EOF, start() will start from the beginning.
Stops the Voice , resetting its state to the same as when it was created.
Pauses the Voice inits current state. start() will resume from here.
Returns whether the Voice is currently playing or not.
Returns the Node that is used for connected the Voice to the greater audio graph (by default, it is connected to Context::master() ).
Creates a Voice that manages sample playback of an audio file pointed at with sourceFile .
Creates a Voice that continuously calls callbackFn to process a Buffer of samples.
Clears all audio file buffers that that are cached in the Mixer.