3rd Party Dependencies

This document provides an (incomplete) overview of the 3rd party dependencies in Cinder, including the versions used and their respective licenses.

zlib1.2.11zlibLossless compression
libtess21.0SGI Free Software BPolygon tessellation
liblinebreak1.0zlibUnicode line breaking
rapidxml1.13BoostXML parsing
jsoncpp1.3.0MITJSON parsing
AntTweakBar1.16zlibParameter manipulation GUI
glload0.5MITOpenGL function loading
tinyexr0.9.5BSD 3-ClauseOpenEXR image read/write
libvorbis1.3.4BSDOgg Vorbis audio read/write
r8brain1.5MITSample rate conversion
Ooura FFTPublic DomainAudio FFT
Freetype2.9.1Freetype LicenseFont rendering
GLFW3.2.1zlibLinux windowing
stb_image2.02Public domainLinux & Android image read/write
videoInput0.1995Public DomainWindows desktop video capture
ANGLEBSDWindows OpenGL emulation
utf8cppBoostUnicode UTF-8 conversion
Boost1.60BoostPrimarily Boost.Filesystem on non-MSVC